Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Something More

Lately I've felt that my days are too long and I have too much to do to really take time to be happy. Today I had more time to reflect and it struck me. I'm engaged to a man I love, I have an amazing family that I get to see pretty regularly, I have made some great new friends at work, I love my job, I love my major...So why don't I feel incredibly happy more often? The reason? Because I don't take the time to recognize my blessings. I think that during this time of my life when I should be happy, Satan is working really hard to pull me down. But no more! Be prepared for an optimistic blog!

I'm the worst blogger ever. I'm fully aware. I know you're all thinking it. I think, 'Well what have I done this week?" My answer is always, "School, work, same old." So I never blog. I've made a new vow. In church on Sunday, the first counselor in the relief society spoke. She talked about a new years resolution she had made to write down a good thing that has happened to her every day. She had a little red book that she used. I've decided to use this blog as my optimism tracker. In every blog, I'm going to try to find five good things that happen to me each day. I'll call these my 'Straight Smiles.' On top of these, I've decided to take five not so good things that happen to me each day, and list a way that these things are actually good things. I'll call these things my 'Sly Smiles.'

Today's Straight Smiles:
1. I got to use the new eyeliner I bought last night for the first time. The kind I've been using tends to flake out halfway through the day, ending in black specs all over my face. This new kind is fantastic!
2. While running an errand at the mall for Luke, I ran into Rue 21 for a quick glance. I found the perfect shirt to go with my outfit for the George Strait concert on Saturday. The best part? It was on sale for only $4!
3. Luke's roommate made up some of my favorite fries and accidentally made too many, and gave me the rest :)
4. A girl at work was cleaning out her closet and brought four bags of clothes into work. We're pretty close to the same size, so I scored 4 new pairs of pants, 3 new shirts, and 1 very comfy old sweater (this was actually yesterday, but it was so great that it deserves to carry over into today)
5. I found an unopened bag of chicken nuggets in the freezer that I had forgotten about. I tried them for the first time today...they were pretty dang delicious.

Because I had a very pessimistic week, today's list will have 10 Sly Smiles:

1. I can't afford a new book = Led me to set up an account at the library and now I can rent a new book every week!
2. I have to drive 45 minutes each way to work every day = Gives me an hour and a half each day to listen to new music quietly and to have my 'quiet time.'
3. My classes are hard = I'm finally in classes that challenge me and therefore cause me to learn new things
4. I can't see my family whenever I want = I enjoy the time I get to spend with them even more than before
5. Some of my classmates are hard to get along with = Gives me the opportunity to learn to love my 'enemies' and learn to develop a professional relationship with people I don't necessarily like.
6. I didn't do so great on a test = My professor included notes on my essay of things I can do to improve. Now I know exactly what I need to do to do better on the next one.
7. My friend was too busy to play tonight = Forced me to work on a paper that I need to finish up
8. One Tree Hill isn't on again for a couple more weeks = I've been able to go back and watch a couple old episodes, causing me to fall in love with it all over again
9. Gas is SO expensive = Forced me to set up a strict budget for myself, that I've stuck to pretty well, and I've been doing a LOT better at saving my money.
10. Only one speaker on my computer is working = forced me to stop listening to music which causes me to get distracted by focusing on lyrics, and made me focus on the assignment that I'm working on.