Tuesday, January 4, 2011

It's My Life

I decided it was about time for a new blog update. I was just reading through my last post and it's sorely outdated...

First things first. I do have a job. I have been working at Stampin' Up since August/September-ish. I work in the call center there. It's actually a pretty great job. I was a little leery about working in a call center, but the environment there is super positive! All of the girls/ladies that I work with are great and I love my bosses. The company is an awesome company to work for and the pay is good as well.

I was living in Herriman during my last post, but this has recently changed. Over Christmas break my dad, Robert, and Luke helped move me down to my new place in Orem. The room is smaller than I would have liked, but the area and the rest of the apartment is so nice that it makes up for the room size. I'll post some picture of my room for now, and we'll see if I one day get around to posting pictures of the rest of the place.

I finished up my first semester at UVU, and I loved it (for the most part)! I had a couple of classes that were not so pleasant, but the ones that applied directly to my major were great. This coming semester should be even better because all of my classes are geared directly towards my major. Classes start tomorrow, and I'll admit that I am pretty stinkin' excited! This semester I am taking Civil Litigation and Preparation, Legal Research in the Library, Criminal Law, Mediation & Negotiation, and Family Law. The two subjects that I'm really interested in are Criminal Law and Family Law, so I can't wait to jump into both of these classes! My school schedule worked out so that I have the bulk of my classes on Monday and Wednesday, one class on Tuesday evening, and none on Thursday and Friday. It was kinda a nightmare getting this worked out with my work schedule, but we finally were able to work it out! My only complaint about my school/work schedule is my Mondays. I will be going to class in the morning, then heading up to Riverton for work from 12:30-3:30 and then back down to Orem for class at 4:00. It's going to be interesting. Thank goodness I'm living down here on a permanent basis now or my Monday's would just be WAY too much.

Over the Christmas Break I got to see a lot of my favorite family members! Robert and Stacie came from Michigan! It was so great to see them again. I haven't seen either one of them since they moved out to Michigan, so it was great to sit and catch up with them. I also got to see Cody and Larkin for a couple nights between Utah and Arizona. They're always fun to have around! Tyler and Missy were in town as well. That little Jacoby is such a crack up! I wish we all got to see him more often :(. I briefly got to see Jordyn and her new boy. I think it's safe to say we were all impressed. On top of this, I got to see all of the Idaho Falls relatives as well as some of the Utah relatives I don't get to see as often. I'm sure there were more relatives that I didn't mention, but seeing EVERYONE was great. I always love being home, but even more so during the holidays! I was so blessed to be able to get work off for two full weeks and just enjoy being around those that I love.

The best news is yet to come....but I think it deserves a post of it's own. I'm sure there are some out there that don't want to read through all of these boring details to get to the main story. Stay posted, the big story is coming out within the hour.

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