Monday, November 7, 2011

I'm Ashamed

Yes. I know. I have skipped right over blogging about some of the most important times of my life; preparing for my wedding, my actual wedding, the honeymoon, and getting used to married life. It was all so hectic and flew by so fast that I never even thought about blogging! But here's a brief (or not so brief) recap:

So our engagement was six months long. Everyone said it would drag by, and I guess in some ways it did, but for the most part it did not seem long enough! I am still amazed at the amount of planning that goes into weddings! I don't know how people that have to plan the actual ceremony on top of everything else do it! I'm sure I didn't even see half of the hard work that went into it either. I know my dad worked hard all spring and summer long to get the backyard looking great. I can't even begin to tell you how many hours him and the rest of my family put into putting flowers in, pulling weeds, cleaning things out, bringing things in, putting things up, pulling things down, and on and on. I know it was a huge sacrifice of time that went into this and I am incredibly grateful that I was blessed with a family that loves me enough to work that hard for me. My mom was especially amazing. I've never been very good at picturing picking things out for the reception was really hard for me. Luckily, my mom is amazing at pulling all sorts of things together and making them look fantastic. My Aunt Debie, Aunt Tammi, and my cousins Larkin and Savannah also helped a ton! Debie and Savannah helped my mom a lot with the decorations at the reception and put a lot of work into making our shed not stick out like a sore thumb. Tammi and Larkin took on the HUGE job of the food at the reception. They made who knows how many cookies and delegated the making of even more to other family members. I've gotten so many compliments one how great the food was and how cute it was displayed. I seriously loved EVERYTHING about the reception. And there is no way it would have looked that good if I had been calling all the shots. My mother-in-law did a fantastic job at the luncheon as well. Texas Roadhouse catered, which is mine and Luke's very favorite place to eat, so that was great. She did a great job of making the gym into a perfect luncheon. Luke's older sister, Margaret, was our photography and did a really good job of capturing some priceless moments. Our pictures are seriously amazing. Luke's friend James did a really good job of putting together a picture slide show/video to show at the luncheon. I am so lucky to have such great family and friends that stepped in when they were needed and did all they could to make sure that my wedding day was perfect. Special shout-out to Camille and Tanner who helped my mom and my dad with all of the things they had to do to get ready for the wedding. I know things got a lot stressful at times but they were always (or almost always) happy to help and fun to be around. They're great.

One of my very favorite parts of the wedding was how much family was able to come! The family reunion for my Dad's side was the week before my wedding (which my parents were also in charge of! Talk about busy people!), so TONS of family were able to work out their schedule so that they could stay for the wedding. This meant so much to me. My family is the most important thing to me and my wedding day wouldn't have been nearly as great without having some of the most important people there with me. The sealing room was PACKED. Such a great reminder of how much Luke and I are loved. I have such a huge family that I don't get to talk to everyone as much as I would like, but I really love all of them and appreciate the sacrifices many made so that they could be there to support me.

I would be in the wrong to not mention mine and Luke's friends as well. They came from ALL over to be there. One even came up from California just so he could be there for our wedding day. We had another friend make a 2 hour detour from her trip home just so that she could be there for the sealing. I can't even begin to describe how much I love our friends. They are the greatest friends you can imagine. I know that neither one of us would be the people we are today without their support. They're not the kind of friends that I can ever imagine living without.

I know that I am failing to mention SO many people that did a great deal to help with the wedding. If I mentioned everyone that helped, this blog would be never ending. I really appreciate everyone's love and support. You all mean the world to me!

(At this point I would like to thank Blogger for automatically saving my drafts. I accidentally just exited out and about died until I realized this was all saved)

We went to Disneyland for our honeymoon. It was a surprise for me until we got up to the gate to get on. Luke knows me much too well. I LOVE rollercoasters...and warmth. We stayed at a Holiday Inn about a block away from the park, so we were able to walk there in about five minutes. It was perfect. The hotel gave us a free upgrade when they found out we were on our honeymoon and our room was AMAZING. The hotel staff was really great. It was the best week ever. Disneyland really does cast a magical spell. It was the perfect honeymoon. Luke did really good at getting things set up so that they would be perfect for us.

About a week before we left for Idaho, we FINALLY found an apartment that both of us loved. We had already had one apartment slip between our fingers, so we were so relieved when we got the final notice that the apartment was ours! It's a cute little 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom apartment about a mile from campus. One of the main reasons that I have put off blogging since we got home from the honeymoon is because I wanted to post pictures of our place. Sadly, that is still not going to happen in this post. It's VERY close though. We actually were able to get everything unpacked and put away faster than I expected....but we still don't have a real tv stand or dresser. We are getting both of those this weekend (hopefully) so I will post pictures soon I promise!

Now for some very exciting news....I am an aunt :) I have the most adorable little nephew. Logan Bradley Couch. You can't even imagine how much I love him. I have watched every video that my mom has sent of him at least 5 times. He's SO cute. SO SO SO cute. He's so alert for a newborn! I've always felt like most newborns look a bit....squished and alien-y. Not this little guy though! He's got the cutest chubby cheeks and does not look even a little squished or alien-y. I'll admit I'm already mad for the little man and I haven't even met him yet. That's really the only downer about the whole thing is I don't get to meet him until Christmas time. But you bet I'll cherish every second that I get to be with him!

That is all for now. I'll try to be better about blogging more often. It might prove to be difficult. Married life is turning out to be incredibly busy, but I will try :)


  1. So excited to see your new blog name and to read your update! I loved doing your pictures and am so glad you like them! Most of all, I am so grateful I was able to be in the temple for your sealing. What a wonderful thing!! Glad married life is treating you well. We would love to see you guys!! You're not that far away. We really need to get together! :)

  2. This was great! And Logan is very alert and adorable for a newborn. I think our family just produces cute babies :) I want to see pictures of your apartment...or maybe I can make a trip and see it for myself. Miss you guys! Love you.
