Sunday, February 28, 2010

So Blessed

I've decided to try out this blogging thing. I make no promises as to how long I'll keep it up though. Lately, some things have happened that have led to me having lots of time to myself...So I'm finding new ways to keep myself busy. I've figured out that I'm a lot more cheerful on days when I actually accomplish some things than I am on the days when I'm just lazy all day. Hopefully, this blog will help me feel a sense of accomplishment on days when I have nothing to do.

The past week or so I've been thinking a lot about how truly blessed I am. I have an amazing family that never fails to cheer me up. I've been blessed to have so many wonderful people in my life. Whenever I get lonely or homesick, there's always someone for me to call. My friends are such a strength to me. It's not a rare day when a text or phone call from a friend turns my entire day around. I'm not very good at expressing my love and appreciation for the people in my life...But I want you all to know how much I love you all!

I'm also blessed with having the means necessary to attend school. I know this is a lot more than a lot of people have, and I take it for granted most of the time. I love learning new things and am SO grateful that I am able to pursue knowledge. I'm also grateful for my parents who have helped me learn responsibility. I hate to not have a steady job or be self sufficient. I know that this comes from the years my parents have put into raising me to be a responsible person and I know that it will help me as I go through life.

I'm also incredibly grateful for my amazing boyfriend. He's such a strength to me. He helps me be strong in my areas of weakness. He makes me want to continuously strive to better myself and my relationship with God. I take him for granted a lot more than I should, but he is everything that I need. I hope that I never stop being amazed by him and his goodness.

I'm grateful for you all. I know I don't say it as much as I should, but I love all of you. I appreciate all that you do for me, even though I'm not very good at expressing it. I hope that this mood of gratefulness doesn't fade too quickly for me and that I am able to keep realizing all the many things that I have been blessed with.


  1. I am excited to be your FIRST comment! You are lucky to be able to feel gratitude, it is so important to happiness. You are absolutely right that some are not able to attend school, and some do not have the desire to work hard or be, my dear, are amazing! Katie, we (Uncle Frank and I) value our association with you more than words can say. We love you!!!!!

  2. So excited for you to have a blog! I hope to see many more posts to come in the future :) Thanks for reminding me that I need to be grateful every once in a while.... I am hoping to see you over spring break!

  3. YESSS!!!! another person to blog stalk :) love you!
