Tuesday, March 2, 2010

My Amazing Great Grandmother

Today is my Grandma Parry's birthday. Since I am not in Idaho Falls, and therefore am not able to wish her Happy Birthday, I have decided to make a list my 5 favorite memories and things I admire about this wonderful person.

1. When I was younger, I looked forward to going to her house to spend quality time with her. Sometimes we would make different crafts. I'm sure all my cousins remember making Santas. I remember wanting mine to be different from everyone else's, so I decided to paint his cloak green instead of red. Grandma made me feel so special for my 'creativity' that I glowed for days. Othertimes we would play Phase 10. She always let me win. I can still remember all the little compliments that she gave me...like telling me I would be amazing at Kanasta because a couple times I drew the exact amount of cards I needed to deal. She has a way of complimenting you in a small way, that makes you feel like a much better person. This is just the way she is. She's a genuine, sweet, loving person.

2. Another thing I remember is the family dinners. I took them for granted when I was younger. Now, being so far away from home and not being able to go to the family dinners anymore, I realize how much I love them. It's amazing how large of a family I have, yet everyone knows nearly everybody else. This is because it's important to my grandparents. I'm so grateful for the close ties that I have with my cousins, second-cousins, uncles, aunts, great-uncles, great-aunts, etc. If it weren't so important to my grandparents to keep the family close, there are many ties that I have now, that I probably would not have otherwise. The tie that I have with my Grandma Parry is something that I treasure. The most amazing part about that tie with her is that it links me to SO many other ties with my family members. She's not content simply having a relationship with her grandchildren, great-grandchildren, or great-great grandchildren, but she wants every one of them to have a relationship with their extended family. I'm grateful this is so important to her and that she has passed it on to me. The relationships that are most dear to me are my relationships with my family, and I don't know who I would be today if it were not for them.

3. My Grandma is SO much fun to be around. She has an amazing sense of humor. She can make anyone laugh at almost any time! One memory that sticks out to me is playing Kanasta at the cabin with my family, Grandma, and either the Hopkins or the Roes (I can't remember! Sorry!). I have not enjoyed myself that thoroughly since. It was one of the first moments in my life when I was able to actually take a step back and realize how great my family (especially my great-grandma) is. She lit up the whole night with her teasing and quick remarks when someone was trying to pull something. It still makes me smile every time I think about that night.

4. My Grandma is ALWAYS there for me. I remember her coming to nearly every one of my sporting events as I grew up. What patience that must have taken! And it was not only for me that she did this! Ask any one of my cousins and I can guarantee that it was a rare event when Grandma wasn't able to make it to one of their games. It always made me feel so important when I saw my great-grandparents up in the stands watching me play. It was a wonderful way to remind me of their love.

5. My Great-Grandma has always made me feel loved. Even when I was an obnoxious child being rude to one of my cousins, she showed her love even as she scolded me. She has so much to do with how I turned out. She's made me want to be a much better person than I am. Every time I am having a rough time, I think of her example. She has been through so much in her life, yet I have NEVER heard her complain. Every time I see her, she has a smile on her face and everyone around her is enjoying her company. She is the strongest person I have ever known in my life, and the absolute biggest example to me of how to be an amazing person. Although I miss my Grandma Roe every day, I am SO blessed to have my great-grandma in my life. She has made me understand the true love of a grandparent. She has taught me so much and I treasure everything I have learned from her over the years.

I love you so much Grandma! I hope you have an amazing birthday! Thank you for everything you have done for me and continue to do for me. You are my biggest hero and I hope that you know that.

1 comment:

  1. i loved reading this blog! i must admit all these entries about grandma are bringing tears to my eyes. i miss grandma roe more and more everyday, it's so great to know we will be with her again. i'm so grateful that we have awesome great grandparents that stepped up and gave us the comfort of having grandparents in our life.
