Tuesday, March 23, 2010


I'm currently sitting at day number 2 that I've been back in Cedar since Spring Break...and I'm already very homesick. Spending Spring Break at home was wonderful.

I was lucky enough to get to go up to the cabin with two of my best friends and Savannah and her roommates. All together there were eight of us girls up there. It was so much fun! Me and Savannah mostly reminisced and read old Parry Posts together. It was nice to get to spend some time with her since we don't get to see each other very often. It was also nice to spend some time with my friends Kelley and Jessie, who I also don't get to see very often! Overall, it was a very fun weekend! Despite the fact that my dad had to drive up to bring the spare key to my car up.....(I have an awesome dad)

I worked for Frank and Tammi on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday-which made the days go by fast and helped remind me that I'm really not making up some of the memories I have of certain customers there. There's always a good story to be had at Work Wear House.

Thursday was a pretty lazy day for me since I didn't work and my family was either at work or school. It felt so nice to do absolutely nothing for a day! I have always been a fan of being lazy when possible, and I haven't had a chance to do so in a while.

Friday was Tanner's 14th birthday! I can't believe my baby brother is getting so big! He is almost taller than me...a fact he is constantly reminding me about. I think he had a pretty great birthday. His big present was a basketball hoop from my parents. I'm definitely as excited about it as he is. I miss being able to shoot around outside the house...I think we'll make some good memories around that hoop!

Also on Friday, I went to a friend's wedding reception with Luke. It was gorgeous! It was at the Shelton Church out near Ririe. It was a cute little chapel that I wasn't aware existed. It was definitely a great place for a reception! The newlyweds are one of the cutest couples I know and it was great to see how happy they are! It made me even more excited for when my big day finally rolls around!

On Sunday Tanner was ordained to the office of Teacher. It was a really cool moment and it reminded me how lucky I am to be blessed with a family that is active and loves the church as much as I do. Sitting next to my mom and Camille as my dad ordained Tanner to a Teacher was a really peaceful moment. Another blessing that I'll have to tack onto my ever-growing list.

The absolute best part of my week at home was deciding on my plans for the summer. I have officially decided to move home! It feels so good to finally be able to know what my plans are for certain. The only downer about moving home is that I had to put my notice in at my job in Cedar. I love my job here. I enjoy the people that I work with and I enjoy my day-to-day duties. I put in my notice yesterday and they were very nice and understanding about the whole thing...even though I've only been working here for about two months. I'm definitely going to miss this job...but I am really excited to be living at home again. Now I just have to find a job for the summer.....

As far as next fall goes, my plan is to head back to Utah State and finish up my degree there. Hopefully by next May I'll be preparing to move back to Idaho Falls permanently. It feels nice to have more solid plans for my future :)

The next best part of my week was finding out that my family is coming to St. George for their Spring Break!...which means I get to see them soon! They are coming down on Friday and are picking me up to go down for the weekend with them. It will be so nice having them only forty-five minutes away for a week! I'm glad that things worked out so that they are able to come!

That's my Spring Break in a nutshell. I had a great time at home and I'm very excited to see my family on Friday and the rest of my family all summer long! Jack's Pack here I come!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you had such a nice week! Um Jacob is also obsessed with the fact that he is ALMOST as tall as I am! ALMOST! When I was home before we went to the cabin he made me stand next to him while my mom was the judge. Not that it matters but I'm still taller. By like 1/2 an inch. A WHOLE 1/2 inch.
