Monday, March 29, 2010

Four. More. Weekends.

Since I'm heading home so soon, I've decided to make a plan for every weekend that I have left in Cedar to go and do something fun.

This weekend is Easter weekend, so I've decided to do Easter activities to make it fun. I convinced Luke to let me do an Easter Egg hunt for him. I'm pretty much a kid at heart, I know, but I can't imagine Easter without at least one Easter egg hunt! I'm way excited for it! We also are planning on dyeing some eggs. A friend was telling me about this cool way to dye eggs that involves onions and tea. It sounded really awesome and I'm going to try to attempt it.

Luke and I have already decided to make a day run to Vegas on one of the weekends. It would be nice if we could make a weekend trip out of it, but we don't know anyone there and neither one of us has enough money for hotel rooms, so a day run it will have to be. I don't exactly know what we'll do there (I've never been a huge fan of Vegas), but it's only a couple hours away so I know I'd regret not making the trip while I'm so close. I'm sure that we'll find something to keep us entertained all day! I'll just have to remember to keep my eyes closed as we're walking the strip. Yuck.

I also really want to make a trip to Zion's. I went with my family on a short hike on Saturday. It reminded me how much I love it there. It's my absolute favorite place for thinking. Relieved me of almost all the stress that I've felt lately and holds some of my favorite memories! I would really love to hike Angels Landing or The Narrows before I head back up to Idaho, but I'm not sure we'll have time. I'm really upset at myself for not making a single trip there since I've moved here (other than this last Saturday with my family). Luke DID agree to go on a hike at Zions with me if we have time. I'm thinking of either doing Emerald Pools (The hike I just did with my family) or maybe just Weeping Rock. I'm leaning towards Emerald Pools simply because I wasn't as impressed with Weeping Rock as I thought I would be.

There's also this state park called Sandy Hollows that Luke and I and a couple of his friends went and visited over the summer. I think we'll probably visit there again on the same weekend we do Zions. It's this hidden little lake that has a really awesome spot to jump from the red rocks into the lake. We had a lot of fun there, so I'm hoping we'll be able to find a weekend where the weather is warm enough for us to enjoy it again!

Somewhat related to my Zions trip, I want to make a trip to Bryce Canyon as well. I don't know Bryce Canyon nearly as well as I know Zions, but from what I've seen, it's gorgeous! Bryce is only an hour or so away, so we'll probably be able to do that on one of the Saturdays that we have left.

We only have four weekends left, so I think that's all we'll be able to do before we leave here. It's funny that I finally get to go home...and now things here are looking up for me! I have a nice job, I'm close to graduating, the weather is getting nice, and I finally have time to go do the things that I want to do! Don't get me wrong, I'm VERY excited to go home, and I definitely don't want to stay down here, but I wish I had gotten out a little bit more in the short time that I've been here. My biggest regret is not making it out to Zion's while I've been here, so hopefully Luke and I can make it out there before we leave for Idaho!

A couple quick P.S.'s. My family is in St. George this week. I was able to go down with them this weekend. So fun! I'm planning on making at least one more trip down to see them while they're there.

My other P.S. is that I have officially packed everything that I don't need for the next five weeks I'm down here. I decided I have WAY too much stuff, and got rid of quite a bit. I'm very proud...and I really hope that my stuff that I'm sending home can fit in my dad's truck :S.

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