Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Weekend

I am proud to write that Luke and I actually DID accomplish one of the activities this weekend that was mentioned in my last post. We made it to Zion's...and it was beautiful!

Our Friday started out with my parents pulling into town to pick up the things that I had packed for them to take home on their way from St. George. Luckily, the 5 bins, 2 cabinets, and multiple boxes fit just great in the back of my dad's truck! I was a little worried! After that I got showered and ready for the day and headed to work. After work, Luke and I watched 'The Princess and The Frog.' Such a cute movie! I was singing and smiling the whole time we watched it. Luke endured the movie and my commentating. After the trip to return the movie to redbox and pick up some things at Walmart, I was pooped and went promptly to bed. Lately, I've been getting WAY tired very early. I find myself occasionally skipping dinner because I'm just too tired. This may be what is contributing to my tiredness....

Saturday morning began with me completely sleeping through the majority of morning session of conference. I woke up in time to listen to Eyring's talk, and was able to watch the remainder of the morning session. I really look forward to conference, so I was not a happy camper about sleeping through a session! After morning session, Luke and I decided to head to St. George to check out this boot store he had seen when we were down visiting my family last week. It was a really cool little store that was going out of business. The owner was a nice guy that reminded me a lot of my Uncle Frank. There was a cute purse there that I ALMOST bought...but Luke advised me to wait and if I decided I really wanted it, we could come back. I've decided I really want it, and when we head to Vegas, we're going to stop at the store again.

From St. George, we headed up to Zion's! I was so excited that Luke agreed to go! He was really good about it...Didn't complain even a little! We ended up going on the Emerald Pools hike.

This is us near the end of the hike. It was so pretty up there!

We ended up taking the shuttle through the park after the hike and enjoyed all the gorgeous scenery. The only bummer about the day was that I ended up missing the morning AND the afternoon session of conference on Saturday. Good thing that they're online!

Today has been pretty great so far. I did an Easter egg hunt for Luke! I'm a firm believer that Easter isn't Easter without the egg hunt! He's waiting patiently for me to finish this post so that he can go hunt for them. He also made us some breakfast this morning and has a nice dinner planned for tonight. I'm one lucky girl :) I'll be posting pictures of our Easter activities soon.

I hope everyone's Easter has been great and that you all enjoyed conference as much as I did! How blessed we are to have such a firm knowledge of the Plan of Salvation. I love this church!

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