Monday, April 11, 2011

Ramble On

I've decided that in a 2 1/2 hour class, the last hour is solely dedicated to being off task. The person on my left is playing games on his Ipad. The person in front of me is texting. The one on my right is facebooking. I am blogging....and this is one of my favorite classes! My conclusion? 2 1/2 hours is waaay too long.

This weekend Luke and I decided to go home for his friends mission report. The problem was that Luke worked until 3 on Saturday...but don't worry. That didn't stop us. We ended up pulling into town about 7:30pm on Saturday night and left around 6pm on Sunday evening. It was a quick trip, but semi-productive. My mom supplied me with an LDS 4-month checklist for the wedding. Really made me realize that we have a LOT that still needs to be done. No stress or anything though right?

I really don't have anything to say in this post. Really though....basically nothing. You should probably stop reading now since anything from here on out will be the bored ramblings of a hungry student. Here are some random thoughts I have.

*Moustache's are a funny thing. Some guys look weird without one, some look weird with them. It's just a strange occurance.

*My friend Quertis once wrote a blog about some confusion he had regarding the word 'Stache.' Some radio company or something was sponsoring some sort of a giveaway for the person that sent in a picture of the best game stash. My friend, having a moustache, assumed they meant 'stache' as in hair under your nose. Of course, the company meant stash as in 'collection of games.' So my friend sent in a picture of his moustache, feeling his chances of winning were pretty good. Only a while later did he realize what he had done. This story makes me laugh everytime I think about it.

*I really don't know why I'm thinking about moustache's right now. There is not anyone around me that has one.

*I can't remember if my class ends at 8 or 8:30. I'm hoping 8.

*This girl in class just said that she's never traveled further than 30 minutes away from her home that she's lived in all her life. Woooooow. How is that even possible?!

I won't bore you anymore with the rest of my thoughts. I'll just finish up with my smiles...

Straight smiles:
1) I've recently rediscovered my love for apples. They're so great
2) I got to see my family for a little bit this weekend.
3) One of my closest cousins is getting married on Saturday....I'm really quite happy for her.
4) I've seen one of my oldest friends 6 out of the last 7 days. I love friends
5) I got the closest parking spot possible to my class today

Sly smiles:
1) I have a ton to do for the wedding = means the wedding is getting closer!
2) Lots of homework and quizzes = the end of the semester is coming up!
3) Finals week is soon = summer is soon!
4) Lots of laundry to put away when I got back from Idaho = lots of new clothes to wear :)
5) My bananas are too old to eat = I can make banana bread

1 comment:

  1. This is so great! I think I tell Austin at least once a week how much I wish you and Luke lived closer. Please let this year go by fast!!!! You're wedding is coming fast ( thinking optimistically) I'm so excited for it!! Love you cousin!
